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Specialist NPQ Suite


Specialist NPQ overview

Our specialist NPQ programmes ensure that participants focus their attention on the things that matter the most and have the greatest impact on behaviour, culture and student outcomes - ensuring there is an excellent teacher in every classroom.

The research on effective school leadership is compelling and our programmes draw upon the best available evidence to ensure leaders develop the essential knowledge and practice to raise outcomes, empower their staff and reduce workload.

All our NPQs begin with an introduction to our approach to capacity development and managing improvement through implementation. This approach is then embedded throughout the duration of the programme. From this starting point our specialist NPQs guide participants through modules that will focus on developing mastery of relevant expertise, gaining the knowledge and tools to develop others, and extending your influence across a school, phase or department.

NPQ programmes are underpinned by design principles that fulfil all the recommendations of the EEF Effective Professional Development guidance report. 

Summative Assessment: At the end of the programme, participants are required to complete a 1500-word, open book, non-invigilated response to a school improvement case study. Participants need to have achieved 90% of activity credits to be eligible for assessment. Those that do not achieve this automatically defer to the next assessment window. We provide full support and preparation to participants including pre-assessment tutoring, optional webinars to model a response and suggested writing frames to structure your summative assessment. Participants are given 8 calendar days to formulate and submit their response and are able to liaise with other programme members during this time. Pass or fail judgement sure shared with participants by the lead provider within 3 months following marking, lead provider moderation and external moderation by DfE associates.

NPQ Leading Behaviour and Culture

For teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and supporting pupil wellbeing in their school.

Duration: 12 months (plus 3 months for summative assessment process) 
Hours of study: 55 hours
Cost: Free to those who meet the scholarship eligibility criteria. The cost for school or self-funded participants outside of the criteria is £899.

This programme will help you to:

  • develop as a specialist in areas related to your role, including behaviour, school culture and developing others
  • work with serving school leaders and subject matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own and others’ practise
  • access a blended learning programme that is full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus

Modules include:

  • Teaching
  • School culture
  • Enabling conditions for good behaviour
  • Complex behavioural needs
  • Professional development 
  • Implementation


What are the NPQLBC programme benefits?

” I have really enjoyed the programme so far. I think the content has been informative and has both challenged and informed my current practice. This has certainly improved my current practice and already helped me to implement some of the learned strategies.  The modules are clear and easy to follow and I really like the assessments and the range of additional resources that are provided to further our knowledge module by module. ” 


Delivery model, duration and programme breakdown

The NPQLBC is delivered using a blend of online ‘live’ seminars, flexible online learning and face-to-face conferences.  Over 12 months, you’ll take part in the following learning activities:


NPQ Leading Literacy

Teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage or phase.

Duration: 12 months (plus 3 months for summative assessment process) 
Hours of study: 55 hours
Cost: Free to those who meet the scholarship eligibility criteria. The cost for school or self-funded participants outside of the criteria is £899.

What are the objectives and the content of the NPQLL programme?

This programme will help you to:

  • develop as a specialist in areas related to your role, including developing reading, writing, language and developing others
  • work with serving school leaders and subject matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own and others’ practise
  • access a blended learning programme that is full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus

Modules include:

  • Teaching
  • Developing Language
  • Developing Reading
  • Developing Writing
  • Professional Development
  • Implementation

What are the NPQLL programme benefits?

Develop as a specialist in your role 

Gain an understanding of the core principles behind developing language, reading and writing, get practical tools and guidance to lead your school’s approach to literacy, and collaborate with other leaders in similar roles.

Gain the skills for successful leadership

Build the expertise to effectively develop others and lead a powerful whole school literacy strategy. 

Learn to effectively support colleagues

Develop the skills to help colleagues develop literacy across the curriculum – without creating unnecessary workload.

Free one-to-one support and coaching

If you work in a school serving disadvantaged communities, you can apply for our free one-to-one support which runs alongside the NPQ for Leading Literacy (NPQLL). This free support comes in the form of an experienced former school leader who will coach and guide you throughout the programme. You can apply for this additional support in your application.

Join a passionate network striving for educational equality

Share experiences with other school leaders, learn how they’ve faced similar challenges and build a professional network that will support you throughout your career.


Delivery model, duration and programme breakdown

The NPQLL is delivered using a blend of online ‘live’ seminars, flexible online learning and face-to-face conferences.  Over 12 months, you’ll take part in the following learning activities:

NPQ Leading Teacher Development

Teachers and school leaders who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers.

Duration: 12 months (plus 3 months for summative assessment process) 
Hours of study: 55 hours
Cost: Free to those who meet the scholarship eligibility criteria. The cost for school or self-funded participants outside of the criteria is £899.

This programme will help you to: 

  • develop as a specialist in areas related to your role, including designing and delivering continual professional development (CPD) to others across the school
  • work with serving school leaders and subject matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own and others’ practise
  • access a blended learning programme that is full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus

Modules include:

  • Teaching
  • Designing effective professional development
  • Delivering effective professional development
  • Implementation

 What are the NPQLTD programme benefits?

I am really enjoying the online seminars; I think the facilitators have been brilliant!  The seminars are a good pace and it has been invaluable to talk to members of staff in other schools who are on the same programme.  I’m really happy with the online seminar as they are easier for my work/life balance, I haven’t felt that the course has imposed on my work/life balance too much.” 


Delivery model, duration and programme breakdown

The NPQLTD is delivered using a blend of online ‘live’ seminars, flexible online learning and face-to-face conferences.  Over 12 months, you’ll take part in the following learning activities:

NPQ Leading Teaching

Teachers who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.

Duration: 12 months (plus 3 months for summative assessment process) 
Hours of study: 55 hours
Cost: Free to those who meet the scholarship eligibility criteria. The cost for school or self-funded participants outside of the criteria is £899. 

This programme will help you to:

  • develop as a specialist in areas related to your role, including by subject and phase (with content such as how to sequence a curriculum and plan effective assessment)
  • work with serving school leaders and subject matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own and others’ practice
  • access a blended learning programme that is full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus

Modules include:

  • Teaching
  • School culture
  • How pupils learn
  • Subject and curriculum
  • Classroom practice
  • Adaptive teaching
  • Assessment
  • Professional development 
  • Implementation

 What are the NPQLT programme benefits?

Develop as a specialist in your role 

Gain an understanding of the core principles behind the science of learning, get practical tools and guidance to sequence your curriculum and plan for assessment in your specific subject and context.

Gain the skills for successful leadership

Build the expertise to effectively manage a team of teachers and create a culture of professional learning and continuous improvement in your school. 

Learn to effectively support colleagues

Develop the skills to help colleagues plan effective lessons, meet individual pupil needs and provide opportunities for all pupils to succeed – without creating unnecessary workload.

Join a passionate network striving for educational equalityShare experiences with other school leaders, learn how they’ve faced similar challenges and build a professional network that will support you throughout your career.

Facilitators have been really engaging in the sessions.  The online content has been very informative and well put together, I feel it is has developed my own knowledge in particular areas whilst consolidating others.” 


Delivery model, duration and programme breakdown

The NPQLT is delivered using a blend of online ‘live’ seminars, flexible online learning and face-to-face conferences.  Over 12 months, you’ll take part in the following learning activities:

NPQ Leading Primary Mathematics 

The NPQLPM is designed for Primary teachers and leaders with responsibility for leading maths across a key-stage or school, or those who want to have this responsibility.

The key aims of the programme are to support Maths Leads in Primary Schools to:

  1. Develop a school culture with a positive attitude to maths
  2. Design and introduce maths curriculums
  3. Support maths teachers in school.

Develop as a specialist in your role

Deepen your understanding of the core principles underpinning mastery approaches to teaching mathematics.

Extend your knowledge of how children learn the subject.

Gain practical tools and guidance to lead your school’s approach.

Collaborate with other leaders in similar roles.

Gain the skills for successful leadership

Build the skills to effectively develop others and lead a powerful whole-school mathematics strategy.

Learn to support colleagues effectively

Develop the skills to help colleagues develop mathematics across the curriculum – without creating unnecessary workload.

Learn how to help colleagues develop evidence-informed mathematical teaching, focused on improving classroom teaching and outcomes for all pupils.

The programme is delivered in partnership with the Yorkshire Humber and Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hubs. This ensures that it forms a seamless part of the wider professional development offer for teaching for mastery in mathematics. Following completion of the programme, we will signpost participants back to your regional Maths Hub for further DfE approved CPD for your school.

Duration: 12 months (plus 3 months for summative assessment process) 
Hours of study: 55 hours
Cost: Free to those who meet the scholarship eligibility criteria. The cost for school or self-funded participants outside of the criteria is £901 

Eligibility criteria: 

To be eligible to take part in the programme participants need to have:

  • Completed a minimum of one year of the Department for Education’s Teaching for Mastery programme, delivered by the national network of Maths Hubs and co-ordinated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)
  • or have gained a secure knowledge of mastery approaches to teaching mathematics through other means e.g., through an alternative mastery programme or in-school experience.
  • To receive scholarship funding, participants need to work in a state-funded eligible school.

What will programme members learn?

This 15-month programme (12 months’ delivery and three months for assessment) consists of a series of modules based on the DfE’s NPQ frameworks. Each module cycle features: 

  • evidence-based online content to refresh and build knowledge, as well as exemplify what this looks like for your role and level of leadership
  • a formative assessment task to support your learning
  • a face-to-face seminar with a group of peers, facilitated by a serving school leader– you’ll analyse and reflect on the task and hear further examples of good practice
  • the opportunity to record reflections and consolidate learning

This cycle repeats throughout the programme, with implementation a consideration in every module. Towards the end of the programme, you’ll also take a module focused specifically on effective implementation. This provides an opportunity to plan a strategic improvement, focused on your context and pupils. There will be ongoing support through a seminar group and discussion forum.

What will you learn?

Programme members will develop the knowledge, skills and expertise that underpin effective leadership of mathematics.  This will include leading and guiding others to develop their approach to ‘mastery mathematics’, supporting pupils to build a deep understanding of concepts, secure number sense, and positive attitudes towards mathematics.

Our content is informed by the best and most recent evidence and developed with input from school leaders and subject matter experts.  Our programmes have a practical focus.

Programme members will be supported to make small but important changes to your and others’ practice throughout the programme.

What are the objectives and the content of the NPQLPM programme?

This programme will help you to:

  • Develop as a specialist in your role
  • Deepen your understanding of the core principles underpinning mastery approaches to teaching mathematics and extend your knowledge of how children learn the subject.
  • Gain practical tools and guidance to lead school approaches to successfully embedding mastery approaches to mathematics
  • Collaborate with other leaders in similar roles

 What are the NPQLPM programme benefits?

Facilitators have been really engaging in the sessions.  The online content has been very informative and well put together, I feel it is has developed my own knowledge in particular areas whilst consolidating others.” 


Delivery model, duration and programme breakdown

The NPQLT is delivered using a blend of online ‘live’ seminars, flexible online learning and face-to-face conferences.  Over 12 months, you’ll take part in the following learning activities: